«РУВИКИ» ирӗклӗ энциклопединчи материал
Wayback Machine (акӑлч. — «Вӑхӑт машшинӗ») — коммерциллӗ мар «Интернет архивӗн» (библиотекăн) çав ятлă ямӑт онлайн-архивӗ.
- Acker, A., & Chaiet, M. The weaponization of web archives: Data craft and COVID-19 publics. // Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review. — 2020.
- Anat Ben-David, Adam Amram The Internet Archive and the socio-technical construction of historical facts // Internet Histories. — 2018.
- Arora S., Li Y., Youtie J., Shapira P. Using the wayback machine to mine websites in the social sciences: A methodological resource. — 2015. — В. . — Т. 67.
- Bowyer S. The Wayback Machine: notes on a re‑enchantment // Archival Science. — 2021. — Т. 21.
- Deborah R. Eltgroth Best Evidence and the Wayback Machine: Toward a Workable Authentication Standard for Archived Internet Evidence // Fordham L. Rev.. — 2009. — В. Fordham L. Rev.. — Т. 78.
- Greg R. Notess The Wayback Machine: The Web's Archive // Online. — 2002. — В. Online. — Т. 26.
- Hartelius J. The anxious flâneur: Digital archiving and the Wayback Machine // Quarterly Journal of Speech. — 2020. — В. Quarterly Journal of Speech. — Т. 106.
- James L. Quarles III and Richard A. Crudo [Way]Back to the Future: Using the Wayback Machine in Patent Litigation // Landslide. — 2014. — В. Landslide. — Т. 6.
- Lerner A., Kohno T., Roesner F. Rewriting History: Changing the Archived Web from the Present // Association for Computing Machinery. — 2017.
- Maemura E., Worby N., Milligan I., Becker C. If These Crawls Could Talk: Studying and Documenting Web Archives Provenance. — 2018. — В. {{{кăларăм}}}. — Т. 69.
- Milligan I. Lost in the Infinite Archive: The Promise and Pitfalls of Web Archives // International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. — 2016.
- Murphy J., Hashim N., O’Connor P. Take Me Back: Validating the Wayback Machine // Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. — 2008. — В. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
- Odgen J., Halford S., Carr L. Observing Web Archives // WebSci. — 2017.
- Pearce D., Charlton B. Plagiarism of online material may be proven using the Internet Archive Wayback Machine (archive.org) // Medical Hypothesis. — 2009.
- Price Internet Archiving – The Wayback machine // MLA Commons. — 2011.
- Phyllis Holman Weisbard Oldies but Goodies: Archiving WebBased Information // Feminist Collections. — 2011. — В. Feminist Collections. — Т. 32.
- Rogers R. Doing Web history with the Internet Archive: screencast documentaries // Internet Histories. — 2017. — В. Internet Histories. — Т. 1.
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